Arunima Sharma portrays the role of the youngest sister Rano in the popular Balaji daily `Kasamh Se` who is a bookworm, innocent, shy and reticent girl. She was strongly influenced by her mother who writes poems, and short stories. This young and talented actress also took up the subject of Food and Nutrition and did her Masters in the same. She also wanted to pursue research in this field but destiny had something else in store for her. She took up the career of acting not finding any suitable avenues in the arena of specialization done by her. Then she got her portfolio clicked by some fashion photographers and then distributed it to the production houses. Soon after she was called for the auditions by the Balaji Telefilms but nothing seemed to take place for a while.
Arunima Sharma was very nervous and gradually learnt to say her lines well. She claims that auditions are a good learning experience. The other fortunate part of the auditions, which pushed her career upwards, was that some channels also noticed her. Following that by a reference she landed a cameo, the length of which was 25 episodes in the hugely popular teen-show `Remix` which revolved around the lives and lifestyles of rich kids in a boarding school. She claims that her experience was quite filling and made her quite experienced in the art of acting. However she asserts that in the case of `Kasamh Se` it is quite different as it is tough to portray the emotions the small girl goes through after she gets married in the Walia household. This actress has displayed immense talent.