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Natural Remedy for Pruritus Vulvae
Natural Remedy for Pruritus Vulvae in Naturopathy prescribes certain cleanliness measures. Diet plays an important role in the cure of this disease.

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Natural Remedy for Pruritus Vulvae, Indian NaturopathyNatural Remedy for Pruritus Vulvae depends on two fundamental principles, namely, to get rid of any underlying cause and to stop further damage to the skin by scratching or by inappropriate application. The most vital aspect in the treatment of Pruritus vulvae caused by infections through fungus or parasites is cleanliness. In cases of Pruritus resulting from diabetes mellitus, jaundice, glycosuria, uraemia and other toxic states, specific diets and treatments for these complaints should be followed before Pruritus could be cured.

Diet Therapy for Pruritus Vulvae
Diet plays a significant role in the treatment of Pruritus vulvae. In the beginning the patient should be put on a juice fast for a few days. She should drink fruit and vegetable juices, diluted with water. A lukewarm water enema should be used on a daily basis during the period of fasting to cleanse the bowels. Fasting helps relieve the toxic conditions not in just the affected region but also the whole body. Thus inflammation is reduced. The diet after the juice fast could comprise seasonal fruits, vegetables, salads, sprouts, soups or buttermilk. Cooked food should be included in the diet only much later.

The patient should avoid all processed, refined and denatured foods such as white sugar, white flour and all products made from them as well as coffee, tea, eggs, meat, spicy and oily foods. Alcohol and smoking are to be entirely eliminated. A natural mode of life will go a long way in overcoming Pruritus vulvae. It will also lead to enhancement in health in general.

Regular Care for Pruritus Vulvae
Bowels should be kept clean either through enemas or a natural diet. The patient must wear clean clothes to stay away from this problem. After urination, the vagina should be carefully washed with plain cold water. In case of severe Pruritus, it is wise to wash the vulva with neem leaves decoction and apply green light charged coconut oil. Treatments like neem water vaginal douches help kill bacteria and fungus. The affect reaction should be exposed to green coloured light or rays of the sun through green coloured glass for 25 to 30 minutes. This will help lessen infections.

Bath Therapy for Pruritus Vulvae
Pruritus vulvae resulting from discharges from the uterus, cervix or vagina causes inflammations. This can be reduced by usual application of mud packs on the lower abdomen, twice or thrice on a daily basis. A cold hip bath may also be taken for 10 minutes. An alternate hot and cold hip bath is particularly useful in reducing inflammation. Therapies like steam baths, mud baths, immersion baths, sun baths, spine baths and colour therapy are very essential for the treatment of Pruritus Vulvae.

Water Therapy for Pruritus Vulvae
Water is the first and the most effective home treatment to start with. Sometimes heat is the cause of vaginal itching like when chemicals come in contact with this sensitive area. Cold water can help to get rid of vaginal itching and burning. Cold compress can also be used for numbing effect.

Rinse the vaginal area with cold water and dry it properly. For cold compress, take some ice cubes and wrap them up in a clean cloth. Place this ice pack on the vagina for a couple of minutes. Remove it and use it again after a minute or so. Keep doing this till the itching goes away.

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