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Yoga for Ear Problems
Yoga exercises cures most of the hearing problems and also improves the functioning of ears.

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Yoga for Ear Problems, Yoga and HealthEar problems can rise due to an infection. However, other reasons may also cause ear pain or discomfort. The human ear is intricately and delicately designed. One of these vital senses of hearing can be impaired if proper care of the ears is not taken. They are the organs of hearing and balance.

The hearing apparatus consists of three major parts-the external ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. Some of the common ear ailments include earache, ear discharge, hearing loss and internal ear infection. Yoga has long been known to be benefiting in various ailments related to ears. The main causes of ear problems can be long term cough and cold, Sinus can also greatly harm the ears and the associated organs. At times, intense ear pain can cause dizziness and interfere with the daily activities. Various other causes like constantly taking up intense physical strain at the time of studying, increased blood pressure, sinus and other environmental infections or constant ear plugging can cause hearing problems. Extended periods of listening to music at high volumes can also cause intense ear pain.

There are various asanas or postures that can be performed in yoga that benefit people in various ear disorder or discomforts. Yoga can be used for curing earaches and clogged ears. Specific asanas of yoga can be used for the treatment of the ears that result in acute pain in the ears. Yoga helps in the treatment by means of providing better circulation of the blood in almost all the organs of the body. Along with enhanced blood circulation it carries an increased amount of oxygen so as to tone and support the area.

Yoga also helps to provide freedom from the tightness or muscular pain near the neck and the shoulder region. The tension and relaxation exercises of yoga help to provide freedom from the plugged ears and the inflammation near the ear and the jaw region. Yoga asanas not just give mental comfort and physical support by rejuvenating the internal organs of the body by proper functioning of the nervous system, but various asanas of yoga help to cure the hearing troubles. These yogic asanas or postures involve keeping the throat openings of the inner ear clean and mucus free. These postures reduce much of the discomforts of the ear. If the ear is not cleansed properly, one may get susceptible to mucus collection due to an abundance of sinus infections and associated oral tract disorders as well as ear tract disorders.

The essential poses that keep ear troubles away are as follows -

•Tadasana is a balancing pose and it improves ear problems. This asana also improves height and makes spine flexible. Visceroptosis and pain in the backbone is also removed.

•Vrksasana strengthens the quadriceps muscles, thighs, calves, ankles and spine, thus creating flexibility in the hips. This asana alleviates sciatica and cultivates balance in the entire body.

•Trikonasana is the asana that has been known to help strengthen the legs as well as the back of a person. It develops the muscles along the spine and strengthens neck muscles, thus reducing backaches and neck pain.

•Sukhasana is believed to aid tuneful, but controlled stimulation of the creative imagination of a person. This asana provides one with mental peace and has been found to be very beneficial for strengthening the lumbar region of the body.

Yoga for Ear Problems, Yoga and HealthSome more asanas that are truly beneficial in reducing ear problems includes Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Karnapidasana and so on. The practice of Jal Neti is very beneficial for cleansing the inner ear and preventing various ear infections and treating them. Karnapidasana is a variant of Halasana and can be done along with it. This inverted posture helps in draining the stagnant blood from the lower limbs. However, when a person rests in the final posture the circulation of blood in the lower part of the body improves. Karna Dhauti assists in ear wax removal. In this, the little finger is inserted into the ear canal to the maximum extent possible, so that there is a slight pressure against the ear walls. One should make sure that the nails are well trimmed and clean. The finger is then rotated a couple of times to dislodge excess wax and dried wax from the ear walls. The head is then tilted so that the dislodged wax drops out of the ear.

Other than practicing the asanas regularly, one should also do the regular cleaning of the outer ear safely and without abrasion. Cleansing keeps the throat openings of the inner ear, clean and mucus free. Unless the mucus collection has become chronic and started decaying into a bacterial infection, the practice of jala neti is reported to be very beneficial for addressing this inner ear cleaning and even in the prevention and treatment of ear infections.

DISCLAIMER - The Yoga asanas prescribed above should be strictly performed under the supervision of an experienced Yoga teacher.

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