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Yoga for Amenorrhoea
Yoga asanas considerably heal the problem of amenorrhoea in women.

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Yoga for Amenorrhoea, Yoga for WomenYoga asanas play a vital role in curing most of the diseases, especially the women related ailments like amenorrhoea and others. The term `amenorrhoea` literally means `the absence of menstruation`. There are a wide variety of reasons why a person may not be having menstruation, like heavy exercise, stress or eating disorder and it is very important to sketch out the actual cause of amenorrhoea. This usually occurs in girls before puberty, during pregnancy, breast-feeding and post-menopause.

Amenorrhoea can be classified into primary amenorrhoea that is when menstruation has not occurred by the time of the expected menarche. Secondary amenorrhoea is when menstruation has previously occurred but it has stopped for at least 6 consecutive months. There are some specific Yoga postures that are sure to cure the problem of amenorrhoea. Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana or the mountain pose with arms stretched up is very beneficial in case of patients of amenorrhoea. The prop used is usually the wall that helps to align the body correctly, makes adjustments in the pose and gives stability to the final pose. This posture should be hold for 20-30 seconds; while breathing evenly. If the person has stress-related headaches, migraine, eye strain, insomnia, low blood pressure, osteoarthritis of the knees, diarrhea, bulimia, or leucorrhoea, she should not follow this Yoga asana.

Uttanasana or the intense forward stretch is an equally helpful asana for amenorrhoea. In this case, the prop used is foam block and five wooden blocks. One has to stack three wooden blocks on top of the foam block. Place a wooden block on either side of the stacked blocks and practice the asana. One should not practice this asana if she has osteoarthritis of the knees, excessive curvature of the lumbar spine or scoliosis and diarrhea. Patients of rheumatoid arthritis who have fever should avoid this asana.

Yoga for Amenorrhoea, Yoga for WomenUtthita Trikonasana or the extended triangle pose requires props like a wall, a block and the mat. Practicingthis asana against a wall supports the body, reduces strain, and also helps to align the body correctly. The mat prevents the feet from slipping, helping to maintain the final balance in the pose. The block helps those with stiff backs to reach the floor, and allows her to extend the spine, neck, and shoulders. One should not practice this asana, if she has stress-related headaches, varicose veins, migraine, eye strain, low blood pressure, diarrhea and psoriasis. Patients of rheumatoid arthritis who have fever should avoid this asana. Salamba Sirsasana or the headstand asana cures amenorrhoea, since it enhances blood supply to the brain and gradually activates the endocrine glands. Regular practice of this asana increases intellectual clarity, improves will power, respiration and digestion. However, if the person has high blood pressure, cervical spondylosis, a cardiac condition, a backache, headache, or migraine; she should never practice this asana.

Parsva Virasana or the side twist in the hero pose requires a blanket and a wooden block. Sitting on the blanket reduces pressure on the knees and on the ankle joints; thus bringing much relief to the joint pains during amenorrhoea. This asana also removes the stiffness of the groins, knees and ankles. The forward bending postures reduce abdominal cramps, back pain, fatigue and soothe the brain; while the side-twisting postures reduce pain in the abdomen, pelvic areas, waist and the back. The posture where one twists to the side and bends forward reduces nausea and depression. People with blocked arteries, migraine, high or low blood pressure, cardiac disorders, severe eye strain, headaches, bronchitis, a cold and congestion in the chest, or diarrhea; should avoid this asana.

Upavista Konasana or the seated wide-angle pose is very helpful in curing amenorrhoea. Moreover, it also helps to treat arthritis of the hips and relieves sciatic pain. This asana also relieves hernia, massages the organs of the reproductive system and corrects a prolapsed uterus or bladder. The problem of amenorrhoea is often solved by practicing this asana, since it stimulates the ovaries and thus regulates menstrual flow. This asana should be stopped immediately if menstruation starts.

There are many more Yoga asanas that relive the problem of amenorrhoea, like Supta Baddhakonasana, Adhomukha Virasana and so on. All these exercises stimulate the female reproductive organs to regulate the menstrual flow and ensure its painless tenure. Stiffness in joints, inflammation of body parts, fatigue, depression, and constipation are some of the common problems confronted by women during amenorrhoea. Practicing Yoga asanas regularly help to decline these troubles and keeps the body and its cycles free of any diseases.

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