Pallavi Subhas, a small screen actress was born on 9th July 1983. A Maharashtrian model-turned actor, Pallavi Subhas has to her credit nearly a dozen Marathi films, TV serials, commercials, and plays. She earlier appeared in the Marathi serials "Char Diwas Sasuche" on ETV Marathi and "Adhuri Ek Kahani" on Zee Marathi. She had acted in many Marathi movies; the latest being `Aila Re`, which was released in Pune.
Pallavi Subhas debuted with the serial `Tumhari Disha.` Later her acting skills got noticed in this serial and she was selected by Ekta Kapoor for the next serial, `Karam Apna Apna.` She has also worked in the serial `Basera.` Pallavi Subhas was nominated for best actress Zee Gaurav Award, for her performance in the film `Kum kum zaala vairi`.
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