According to Hindu pantheon Saranyu is the daughter of Lord Vishwakarma and sister of Trisiras. She is sometimes associated with Demeter. Saranyu turned herself into a mare and was pursued by Vivasvat and then she became the mother of the Revanta and two Asvins. She is considered to be the mother of Manu, Yama and Yami. She later became tired of Surya`s brilliance and fled into the forests. The word Saranyu means "quick, fleet, nimble" which is usually used for rivers and wind in the Rig-Veda.
Later Surya in compromise to his wife`s difficulty agreed to let Vishwakarma shear off some of his brilliance. She helped her father make the weapons of the Gods out of the glowing pieces. In Hindu mythology Saranyu`s is the first such case where a woman is traumatized in being married to a star. She is considered as the Goddess who gave birth to all animals. She is also thought to be the Vedic Mare Goddess.
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