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Surendra Verma
Surendra Verma is a Hindi dramatist who was also a famous fictionist and a satirist.

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Surendra Verma is a Hindi dramatist, fictionist as well as a satirist. He was born in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh in the year 1941. Surendra Verma was a postgraduate in linguistics. He worked for some time as a teacher and started writing stories. His first play, Surya ki antim kiran sesurya kipahli kiran tak i.e. `From the Sun`s Last Ray to the Sun`s First Ray`, was premiered in Marathi by Amol Palekar in 1972.

Afterwards, many directors of Hindi theatre attempted it and brought out its various dimensions, historical, social, and sexual. His other dramas are Athwan sarg i.e. `Eighth Chapter` in 1976, Chhote Saiyad bade Saiyad i.e. `Junior Saiyad and Senior Saiyad`in 1978 directed by B. V. Karanth in 1980, and Qaid-e-hayat i.e. `Imprisonment of Life` in 1983 directed by Ram Gopal Bajaj in 1989. All of these are produced by the National School of Drama. Verma reinterprets Indian myth and history with contemporary relevance, seeking a common Indian identity in characters like Sakuntala, Chandragupta, Kalidasa, Ghalib, and the Saiyad brothers. Nind kyon rat bhar nahin ati i.e. "Why Doesn`t Sleep Stay the Whole Night" in 1976 anthologizes his short plays.

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