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Types of Involuntary Release of Kundalini
Types of involuntary liberation include varied aspects of life by which Kundalini makes its way through the head.

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Types of Involuntary Release of KundaliniInvoluntary manners in which Kundalini may be released include drug usage, overwork, a brutal blow or injury to the tailbone area; angst; shock, or unnecessary fear; extremes in meditation, maturation practices, or sex. Too much sexual foreplay without orgasm may also cause unprompted Kundalini liberation. By involuntary, one does not necessarily mean unwanted; it is referred to the liberation of the Kundalini on its own.

The energy not only has an evolutionary intention, it literally gives one extra energy. The body may draw from it (without one`s conscious knowledge) to handle tremendous situations. Often, when such situations terminate, the flow continues and the person does not handle things well; the person deals now with unnecessary Kundalini release as well as with the initial trauma.

The Aquarian Age is very intense. This intensity accelerates the evolution and pushes one into a quantum leap of development in all areas. Everybody has been pretty open with technological change, which has been unbelievable over the past couple of decades. Now comparable growth is happening in the personal and spiritual arenas; people are, in fact, just at the offset of major breakthroughs in these areas, because so much Kundalini will be released on impulse as a result of the force of new energies. This will happen whether or not people are purified and ready. Those people who genetically are more receptive to the Kundalini and already have a fair amount operational and dynamic will not have that problem; they will also be more prone to release.

Astrological energies play a significant part in a person`s openness to extra release. A heavily aspected Uranus appears to be the cause of excessive release in some people. Saturn in the fourth house of the astrological chart may also elicit deep subconscious energies that release Kundalini. Moon in Scorpio also inclines to awaken the deep subconscious energies.

Some pregnant women go through extra Kundalini release from the pressure of the foetus on the Kundalini are, between the anus and the genitals. Or they experience more psychic capability and responsiveness. Others experience post-partum depression, probably caused by inappropriate Kundalini flow, liberated during pregnancy.

People who have overworked for years may have nervous, physical, emotional, or mental collapses and require several months or years respite to recover; many times this, too, is referable to unreasonable Kundalini pulled out by the system to handle the overload. These individuals later relate that their `enforced tests` were very substantial to them; they had time to think and revolutionise their lives. Kundalini does force people to ponder and change the very way of existence.

Tailbone injuries may place everlasting pressure upon the Kundalini reservoir, driving an individual to incessantly work with the energies and the transformations they bring. The positive side is that the person possesses the extra Kundalini to force the evolutionary growth inside. Pain, trauma, fear, cruel memories, all assist in `blowing open` the subconscious, which in turn releases the energies. The emotional states then normally increase out of proportion to reality and people are inclined to obsession. If the additional Kundalini is not detached from the subconscious (belly area) and equilibrated with the rest of the body , it continues and compounds the obsessivity. Methods which lessen the problem through moving and balancing the energies include meditation, five to ten minutes of free form dancing (more later), or pushing oneself to think higher thoughts. Kundalini will look for the most open area or chakra to `escape` through if the body is not equipped to experience energies, blowing open a specific area or chakra and inclining to attract all energies toward that spot, as if to a black hole. Only a redirection of energy discharges the fixation.

Ejection through `recreational drugs` can be particularly injurious, blowing open charkas or causing the `burnout`, experienced by some drug users. The very reason some people use drugs- for extrasensory experiences - may bring about a deficiency of paranormal capability in everyday life. A positive characteristic of drug use is that users may have been opened to higher magnitude and shown supernatural possibilities in life. Drug use, however, does not permit an individual to accomplish this state on his or her own; thus the energies are not under command, not always quite helpful, and sometimes extraordinarily severe. People may have experiences but not grow in the use of their radical energy.

When the excessiveness leans toward meditation, the ejection of Kundalini normally goes more effortlessly, as these people are already working on themselves and are open to alteration. Visions, supernatural encounters, and unnecessary attention placed upon the pineal gland may also touch this reservoir of evolutionary energy and start new waves passing through the system.

Spiritual originations from high spiritual levels are given to people who have accomplished high spiritual levels in their growth. These originations generally release at least one more layer of Kundalini. (This has nothing to do with the initiations of earthly organisations, which have their own release of Kundalini). Initiations from high spiritual levels quite often happen when a person is asleep, when there is no awareness of the event. The person only distinguishes an alteration in perceptions and attitudes. Consciously attentive of the initiation, however, a person will feel energy one could associate to a bolt coming into the top of the head, which may go only as far as the area of the heart, or all the way to the Kundalini reservoir to liberate some of its power. The benefit to this type of release is that there is normally more understanding of what is happening within the system. The initiation always brings greater consciousness and the person does not feel as alone or fanatical when the Kundalini starts performing uncanny things. But if the person is not physically, emotionally or psychologically ready to handle the power, gloominess, perplexity, illness, the other problems may result.

Earth initiations may also prompt Kundalini release. When individuals have opened to higher levels (or deeper levels) of earth energy a correlation (initiation) occurs. This opens the person to even greater earth awareness. It travels up through the feet in a very authoritative manner and goes up through the entire and out the top of the head. If it is forceful enough and the person is predisposed, the Kundalini may be aroused by its power.

It is very essential that people mature in all areas of life. More and more people in the counseling, religious and medical arenas are becoming familiar with Kundalini, can recognize its symptoms, and are able to help with its process. It is an area in which all `help` and health professionals should have a functional knowledge.

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