Astrogenetics is a science that deals with the influence of planetary movements and astrological influences on human birth, health and life. This is actually a part of Indian Ayurveda, which is century old. As per Ayurveda, Astrogenetics is the science of life and it deals with the health of human beings as well as all life forms. Astrogenetics also covers the remedy, maintenance and prevention of diseases and recommends the development of human beings. Astrogenetics has perceptiveness for the development and up gradation of life forms.
Role of Astrogenetics on Genetics
Astrogenetics which is an ancient science gives the concept of genetic inheritance of planetary positions, cosmic orientations and karmic obligations. If the astrological chart of the whole family is studied, an astrological coherence can be observed in them. Astrogenetics also offers explanation of change of sex, which is called `Pumsavana`, where the fetus in the mother"s womb can be converted from a male to female or the vice-versa.
Interest of Researchers on Astrogenetics
Astrogenetics has now become a subject of research by the Indian experts. Present generation may find it amazing. Astrogenetics is a very popular subject of research to all experts.
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