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Almond Kheer
Almond kheer is a nutritious sweet dish but diabetic patients should eat it with caution.

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Almond KheerAlmond kheer is a sweet and creamy Indian dessert and is quite popular among the sweet lovers. The primary ingredients for preparing Almond kheer are almond, milk, sugar and ghee. It is easy to make and can be prepared at home. The interesting thing about Almond kheer is it can be served chilled as well as hot.

Ingredients of Almond Kheer

•Forty whole almond, soaked overnight and peeled well
•Five cups of milk
•One-fourth teaspoon of cardamom
•One teaspoon of charole nuts (optional)
•A pinch of saffron
•One cup of sugar
•One tablespoon of ghee

Method of Preparing Almond Kheer

•Soak the saffron in one tablespoon of warm water for about ten minutes. Blend the almonds with one cup of milk until it forms a liquefied paste.
•Boil the four cups of milk and add the cardamom, charole nuts, soaked saffron and blended almonds. Stir in the sugar and the ghee.
•Cook for nearly five minutes by boiling gently and stirring it occasionally.
•Serve warm in a bowl.

Almond Kheer Almond Kheer can also be prepared in the following way:

Ingredients of Almond Kheer

•One cup almonds soaked in warm-hot water for about 30 mts.
•2 to 2.5 cups milk
•2/3 cup sugar
•Two teaspoons finely chopped nuts
•Three cardamom pods
•A few saffron strands

Method of Preparing Almond Kheer

•Soak the almonds in warm to hot water for about 30 minutes.
•Peel the skin and grind the soaked almonds and the cardamom with a little milk into a fine, smooth paste.
•Mix the saffron in two tablespoons of milk and keep aside.
•Now boil the remaining milk along with the sugar.
•To the boiled milk, add the ground almond paste. Continue to boil in a low flame once the almond paste is added. Keep stirring very frequently and allow it to boil for a few minutes.
•Top it with the chopped nuts and saffron strands.
•Serve chilled.

This delicious dish is an ideal food item to serve the guests during any occasion. Almond kheer is a nutritious sweet dish but diabetic patients should eat it with caution.

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