The model turned actress Aparna Kumar is known for setting the ramps on fire with a magnificent presence of hers. After sashaying the world of glamour as a model for a score of years the idol of modeling made her silver screen debut in the musical comedy `Kiss Kis Ko` made by the very talented Sharad Saran. The model who is know allover for her dusky looks complemented with a wonderful pair of eyes has remained to be permanent model of Wills cigarette and also endorsed popular brands including the likes of Meena Bazaar, BPL-Sanyo, RoohAfza, Fair & Lovely cream, Modi Xerox, Charmis, 7Up, High Command whisky and Atlas cycles.
About her filmography Aparna Kumar does not have many films to her credit but in whichever films he appeared she has made her presence felt with her talent and wit. In the Bollywood flick `Popcorn Khao Mast Ho Jayo` she made a brief appearance but still managed to register her name in the stardom. In Arindam Choudhury`s `Rok Sako To Rok Lo` she shared chemistry, which was altogether different from the rest. Again in another venture `Kiss Kis Ko` she played the role of a rival rock star against the members of the Band of Boys Siddharth Haldipur, Karan Oberoi, Chintu Bhonsle, Sherril Vergese and Sudhanshoo Pandey. About bagging the role in this film she claims that her modeling field experience helped her a lot. When the producer of the film saw her picture on the cover of the Delhi Times he asked one of her friends Sudhanshoo Pandey who was an active member of the `Band of Boys` to get in touch with her for the film. Soon after she received a call but initially she did not show a positive reaction. She then moved to the tinsel town and spent a few days with the Band of Boys and at the end she felt that they are very familiar and co-operative to work with each other and found herself to be one of the starcast. About the experience of working in the film she remarked that it was funny as well as rich in terms of creative satisfaction.
Being a model and having already entered into Bollywood Aparna Kumar sees her career in a much different way now. Modeling will always remain her first love and whatever she has achieved today is because of modeling only. She has never thought of using modeling as a platform to the stardom. Unlike most of the newcomers who are using the field of modeling to enter into Bollywood she would remain in the modeling field and it would never be a stepping-stone for her to make an entry into the Bollywood film industry. In the next five years she sees herself on a completely different level. She completely believes in the phrase that man proposes and God disposes. So she have never planned anything in my life as of now and also holds the firm belief that there is no meaning of planning and waiting for good things to come. She wants to live life everyday with the fullest in whatever she does.
About conveying message to her fans she claims that one should study well
before entering into this glamour world and be something before marking her entry into this field. She also advises the upcoming talents to be prepared to take work as worship to get something in return. Above all there is much more to expect from this dusky and talented in the coming times.