Mrinal Deshraj is an Indian television actress who catapulted to fame with her character portrayal in the hugely popular Balaji romantic saga Kahiin To Hoga. She has created waves in the small screen by her negative character in the famous soap. Deshraj plays the character of Shipra who is a fashion designer by profession and a socialite who hails from London. Her character is shown as an out-and-out negative one and is in direct clash with the one of the prime characters of the soap Vasundhara (Madhuri). She is also seen in a meaty role in another project of Sony titled Ek Ladki Anjani Si.
Mrinal Deshraj has already been successful in making her entry in Bollywood. She has been seen in a brief and meaty role in the blockbuster venture of Rajshri Productions titled Vivaah which featured actor Shahid Kapoor and the very talented Amrita Rao in the lead role. Mrinal Deshraj played the role of Shahid`s friend in this film who is always there to support him through his good and bad times. She claimed in a recent interview that wants to carve out a niche for herself in the hearts of the silver screen audiences with her performance-oriented roles in future. Deshraj also has a bunch of big projects in her pipeline and thus has secured a strong and positive future.
Out of her forthcoming projects Mrinal Deshraj is also supposed to play a cop in one of the projects of Gautam Aadhikari, which is supposed to be a suspense thriller. Success has embraced this actress in a very short span and it is an obvious expectation that she will shine in the coming future.
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