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Aromatherapy Baths
People can take personal care by using Aromatherapy in Baths, since they are good to energize and relax people.

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Aromatherapy BathsAn aromatherapy bath can never be short of pleasurable experience to quick therapy. The supple skin from exposure to water along with warm ambience of the room makes the oils effectively absorbed and even faster to work. To get the best from an aromatherapy bath, make sure that everything is as comfortable and cozy as possible before you get undressed. And choose the right aroma oil for right effect. They are particularly good to energize or relax, to soothe itchy, dry or sun burnt skin, relieve muscular aches, PMT or cramps, or treat a cold, hangover or headache. In summer, floral or citrus baths are very refreshing. In winter, green, spicy or woody ones are the most warming and relaxing. If you want to add single oil to your bath the best all-rounder at any time of the year are:
Frankincense: For sedative and relaxing effects
Bergamot: For melancholy and depression.
Chamomile: For insomnia or itchy skin.
Geranium: For relaxing but uplifting effects.
Jasmine: When stressed out.
Lavender: For relaxing and soothing effect.
Neroli: As an anti - depressant.
Patchouli: For energizing effects.
Rose: For inducing romantic and happy feelings.
Sandalwood: For invoking intimate sensuality.

For the baths in any of the respective oils, make sure that no one should distract you from mid bath. Soft lighting and warm (a bit steamy) ambience will add to the effect. When the above requisites are fulfilled then add few drops of essential oil to the water. Close the window to retain the aroma in the room. The quantity may vary from 3-4 drops to 7-8 drops. The nose will register the fragrance only for few minutes before getting habituated. Even if you are tempted to add more after a while, you should refrain from doing so. Much extra oil may actually irritate the skin. The best way is to take soak oneself in a bathtub, with the neck resting on a rolled towel. You can also use soothing eye pads to relax while having the experience.

In general, add up to ten drops of essential oil for one bath, but some of the stronger-smelling oils such as Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Bay, Basil, Lime, Lemon, Thyme and Rosemary need only five drops per bath to be effective. Use a single oil alone, or mix up to three different ones per bath, but one should not put any more than this for they will only cancel one another`s benefits out. Given below, are some of the baths that can be made more soothing while using aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy Baths
1. Relaxing Baths:
a) In Summer or Hot weather:
4 drops lavender, 4 drops Neroli and 2 drops geranium.
4 drops mandarin, 4 drops geranium and 2 drops pine.

b) In Winter or Cold weather:
3 drops sandalwood, 3 drops Ylang-Ylang and 2 drops pine.
4 drops patchouli, 2 drops ginger and 2 drops frankincense.

c) After a Hard Day
5 drops rose and 5 drops lavender.
3 drops chamomile, 3 drops geranium and 2 drops patchouli.

d) For Women
3 drops rose, 3 drops jasmine and 4 drops Neroli.
3 drops Ylang Ylang, 3 drops sandalwood and 3 drops jasmine.

e) For Men
3 drops pine, 2 drops Chamomile and 2 drops of lemon.
4 drops frankincense, 2 drops basil or 3 drops sandalwood.

2. Energizing Baths
a) In Summer or Hot weather
2 drops each Basil, Patchouli and Juniper.
3 drops Rosemary, 3 drops Mint and 3 drops Lemon.

b) In Winter or Cold weather
3 drops Eucalyptus, 3 drops Clarysage and 2 drops Mint.
3 drops Petitgrain, 3 drops Bergamot and 2 drops of Lemon.

c) After a Hard Day
5 drops patchouli and 4 drops mint.
4 drops rosemary, 4 drops thyme and 2 drops mint.

d) For Women
4 drops Ylang-Ylang and 4 drops Petitgrain.
2 drops each mint, Clary sage and Basil.

e) For Men
3 drops rosemary, 3 drops mint and 2 drops juniper.
4 drops each thyme and basil.

3. Therapeutic Baths
a) Bath for Cough and Cold
3 drops pine, 2 drops lemon and 2 drops tea-tree.
3 drops eucalyptus, 3 drops lavender and 2 drops mint.

b) Bath for Dry or Itchy skin.
5 drops lavender and 5 drops Chamomile.
4 drops rose, 4 drops chamomile and 2 drops jasmine.

c) Bath for Aches and Pains
4 drops eucalyptus, 3 drops Clary sage and 3 drops of thyme.
3 drops marjoram, 2 drops ginger and 4 drops rosemary.

Aromatherapy Baths d) Bath for Sleeplessness
2 drops each Ylang Ylang, rose, lavender and Neroli.
3 drops chamomile, 2 drops camphor, 2 drops juniper.

e) Bath for Headache or Hangover
5 drops each rose and lavender (plus some ice folded in a towel as a neck pillow).
2 drops mint, 2 drops lemon and 4 drops marjoram.

4. Aqua therapy Treatment
Having a good form of aqua therapy just before essential oil massage or moisturizer application is also a good booster to the body. Water having different temperatures has different effects on the body. A cold shower (65-75F/18-24C) will invigorate you, while a warm one (85-95F/30-35C) will relax you and soothes the ache. If lukewarm water (75-85F/24-30C) will leave you sleepy, then a hot shower (95F/35C or more) will leave you feel weak. Pregnant ladies, high BP people, should avoid hot shower along with people having vein related or heart problems. A thorough water treatment to your body will leave your body and mind more receptive to the aromatic boons of the essential oil application.

a) Best Cold Bath Oils
10 drops geranium.
5 drops peppermint.
5 drops lemon.
8 drops violet.
8 drops mimosa.

b) Best Hot Bath Oils
6 drops chamomile.
8 drops Neroli.
8 drops frankincense.
6 drops Ylang-Ylang.
10 drops lavender.

5. Aromatic Showers
Using essential oils under the shower is not quite as therapeutic as using them in the bath. Since the water is always running, a lot of the oil and its aroma go down the plughole. It is best to use aromatic showers as a way to wake up your mind and body. The best way to avoid wasting essential oils in the shower is to mix them first with a carrier oil, then massage them in before you get under the spray. Or you can dip a sponge into the mixture and rub it over your body while you shower. If you have a deep base to your shower, you can make it more aromatic by locking up the plug so the oils vaporize in the warm water at the bottom. The best Shower Oils are as follows: Basil, Mandarin, Bergamot, Orange, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Lime & Pine.

Aromatherapy Baths 6. Footbaths
Footbaths and hand baths are especially helpful if you are elderly or want to target one specific organ rather than the full aromatic bath experience. For this bath, you will need a large basin or square bucket, hot water, a warm towel, a comfortable seat at the most relaxing height and the right essential oils. Just add them, drop by drop, to the water before you slip your feet in. Then you can inhale the most chosen treat for you aromatic senses, and let the most tired organ of the body to relax as well. The footbath warms and relaxes all the tiny support muscles, releases trapped nerves, improves the blood circulation and soothes aches and pains.

Stimulating Footbaths
2 drops bay and 4 drops of ginger.
4 drops citronella and 4 drops angelica.

b) Relaxing Footbaths
5 drops basil.
3 drops lavender and 3 drops geranium.

c) For Aching Feet
4 drops thyme and 4 drops chamomile
4 drops eucalyptus and 3 drops pine.

d) For Athlete`s Foot
3 drops birch and 6 drops geranium.
8 drops tea-tree.

e) Excessive Sweating
6 drops lemongrass.
4 drops bergamot and 4 drops citronella.

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